Did you know that you do not have to live the way life is being presented to you? Have you been sensing that shifts are happening around you? Do you know who can help guide you? Are You Ready to Discover How You Can Live & Feel Better about Yourself and Your Life?
World of Never-ending Dreams. The Higher-Self is our Transcendental Self. It is now time to shift ourselves into new timelines. If you have been sensing that something is happening in subtle ways, then you are right. It is your HIGHER-SELF who has been monitoring and observing your life, thoughts, and feelings. Your Higher-Self is the Infinite Divine Presence as the LIGHT OF INFINITE RADIANCE. It’s Aegis is DIVINE GRACE
We always have the Dream World as the “workshop of the mind and feelings” and we can always use it more directly through Lucid Dreaming. We can use Soul Traveling as another metaphysical and spiritual means leading us into higher consciousness. Your Higher-Self is waiting to engage you in a new way of living and being with an INFINITE FIELD OF RADIANT LIGHT. There are many tools of transformation to assist you in this unique journey: Sound through Chanting Mantras, Meditation with Yantras / Sacred geometric symbols, sounds of Tuning Forks, Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, and Gongs. However, our greatest tool for personal and universal transformation is MEDITATION in solo and group format.
Yes, we must use meditation to see change happen in our world, which is called now. We can also use meditation to enter other worlds and embrace the light of Grace is Radiant which allows us to align ourselves with Compassion and Unconditional Love for all.
Now, what I’m writing might sound redundant but it must be said and written down again….we are shifting into a higher frequency called our Higher-Self. We should Affirm and Decree this: “I affirm and decree that I am no longer a Star-seed but a highly matured Infinite Star Being on Earth. I choose to function and proclaim that I AM my Higher-Self”. This statement is still true and I will keep it here. We are erasing our Shadow Self aka our Lower-Self so we can be Free. We must bring this forward and release it into our consciousness right now!!!
Let me repeat this statement again. We shall move into a greater understanding of our Higher – Self. We are moving at our own pace and this is good for us. Allow ourselves to remain in Gratitude and become more centered with Compassion and root ourself in Unconditional Love. Your dream state will become more of a spiritual laboratory for you as you find yourself having and attracting greater opportunities to work on yourself. Allow the special Study of Dreams to support your Spiritual Growth now. Your shadow self will fall away and your Higher-Self shall remain! WE ARE THE HIGHER-SELF.
Actually, we are accomplishing so much for the collective humanity. Collective humanity can no move forward without any sense of fear of receiving any repercussions. Moment by moment we are revealing the truth about who we are and how we can maintain that understanding. Each one of us can contribute to the highest good for all by allowing ourselves to be free of the old paradigms. Too many people (politicians right here in the USA) are trying their best to set humanity backwards with old laws against so many of us and this is so sad.
We must live this reality now.
Let us not forget that we can use our personal meditation moments to increase not just our understanding of life around us but also increase our frequency so that we become more electromagnetic in our manifestations throughout our life.
MEDITATION is important and we must utilize it more now so that we can tap into our Higher-Self regularly so that our level of understanding is that we are our Higher-Self. As we begin to tap into the quantum energetic torus field we can experience all of the lifetimes within our fields through our auric fields in all directions from the Heart Chakra emanating from the physical heart. Your Higher-Self dwells deep in your Heart which is connected to everything around you. Never forget this is our reality now.
Remember that we are receiving our dreams through our Higher-Self . The next level for understanding this connection is that we shall begin to “blend” and feel ourselves gradually begin to transform….and we shall be the Higher-Self.
This new blog has replaced “Dreamscapes – Understanding Your Dreams” and it will appear four times a year. This new blog replaces January, February, and March 2025. I will gather more insight for you so that you can clearly understand how the significance of your Higher-Self is moving into your life as the Light of Radiant Grace.
Until then, thanks for reading my new blog – “Yes, We can Shift into New Paradigms with Divine Grace – Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey”.
Copyright (c) 2025 by Francis E. Revels-Bey with All rights reserved.